In order to display a given banner to a website visitor, the desired banner that should be shown needs to be associated (i.e. linked) to the relevant zone(s) for the website. This way, Revive Adserver knows which banners to display when the relevant zone invocation tag is invoked on a website.
As well as linking banners to zones at the campaign level, a banner can be linked to a zone at the banner level.
If necessary, use the drop down menu to select the appropriate advertiser and/or campaign, and then click on the appropriate banner name. This will take you to the Banner properties screen. Click on the Linked Zones tab.
On the left hand side, a list of all available websites & banners is listed in the Available Zones section. Either select the specific zone(s) you wish the currently selected campaign to be linked to, or, select the website(s) to automatically select all zones in that website. Once the required website(s) and or zone(s) are selected, use the Link button to link the campaign to the zone(s). Once linked, the zone(s) will appear on the right hand side, in the Linked Zones section.
You can unlink the campaign from zone(s) use the reverse process - select the relevant website(s) or zone(s) in the Linked Zones section, and use the Unlink button to unlink the campaign from the zone(s). Revive Adserver will display only those zones (grouped by their parent websites) that have an appropriate type and size for the current banner. Select (or deselect) the zone(s) you wish to link the banner to, or unlink the banner from, and click on Save Changes to save your changes.