Banner properties > Delivery Options
If necessary, use the drop down menu to select the appropriate advertiser and/or campaign, and then click on the appropriate banner name. This will take you to the Banner properties screen. Click on the Delivery Options tab.
Here, there are two options. You can apply delivery limitations, and/or apply delivery capping.
Delivery limitations
To add a new delivery limitation for the selected banner, select the desired delivery limitation type from the drop down menu, and click on the Add button. The new delivery limitation will appear. Set the required options for the delivery limitation, and click on Save Changes to apply the limitation to the banner.
Newly added delivery limitations will not be applied to the banner until they have been correctly saved. Don't forget to click on Save Changes once you have finished setting up or changing a new delivery limitation's options. |
Revive Adserver supports the following delivery limitations:
Delivery capping
Delivery capping allows banner-specific delivery caps to be put in place. As for delivery capping for campaigns:
- Limit banner views to (in total): If set, then Revive Adserver will not show more than then specified number of banner impressions to a given visitor, across all sessions.
- Limit banner views to (per session): If set, then Revive Adserver will not show more than then specified number of banner impressions to a given visitor, across a single session.
- Reset view counters after: If set, then the limitation counters for the above options will be reset after the specified time. This allows banners to be limited to (for example) no more than 25 views per day, by setting a banner view limit (in total) of 25, and setting the reset view counters to 24 hours.
If there are campaign level delivery caps in place, it is possible that the banner delivery cap may never be reached. So, for example, if a campaign is set to limit impressions to 25 views per day (across all banners), and there are 5 banners with equal delivery distribution, each with a banner cap of 25 views per day, then the campaign will become "inactive" after 25 impressions across all 5 banners, meaning that (on average) the campaign will become "inactive" after only 5 impressions per banner, so the individual banner caps will never come into effect. Delivery caps do not guarantee delivery of the desired cap - they simply limit the maximum delivery that is possible. |