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Set the global defaults for the delivery cache, application of banner delivery rules, some UI defaults, P3P policy, and advanced directory and filename options.




To modify the banner delivery settings, as an administrator user, go to Configuration > Global Settings > Banner Delivery Settings.


The banner delivery cache settings allow you to configure how long banner delivery information should be cached by Revive Adserver, to improve the performance of delivery.

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By default, Revive Adserver will cache banner delivery information for 20 minutes. You can increase or decrease this as appropriate for your installation & requirements.


The banner delivery settings allow you to configure some basic, global values for banner delivery in Revive Adserver.

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These options allow Revive Adserver to be configured to:


The invocation defaults settings allow you to configure if 3rd party click tracking should be enabled by default or not when generating Revive Adserver invocation tags.

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P3P Privacy Policies

The P3P privacy policies settings allow you to configure the P3P privacy policy information regarding how you intend to use data collected by Revive Adserver.

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These options allow Revive Adserver to be configured to:


The Revive Adserver server access paths settings allow you to configure the URLs that are configured for accessing different aspects of Revive Adserver's functionality.

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These options allow the URLs for Revive Adserver to be configured for:

  • The Revive Adserver admin interface;
  • HTTP access to the Revive Adserver delivery scripts;
  • HTTPS access to the Revive Adserver delivery scripts;
  • HTTP access to the banner files (images, Flash files, etc.) required for banners to be displayed; and
  • HTTP access to the banner files required for banners to be displayed.



Naturally, if you intend to configure these to be other than as defined by default, you will need to ensure that your web server's configuration supports the URL(s), and that each URL correctly delivers the PHP files from the appropriate Revive Adserver directory.


The delivery file names settings allow you to customise the names used for each and every delivery script that Revive Adserver uses in the delivery of banners.

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Naturally, if you configure Revive Adserver to use non-default filenames for the delivery scripts, you will need to configure symbolic links/shortcuts for each alternate name, so that the correct source code file can be accessed via your new, custom filename.
