There is a single Link an external banner field for url banners, which is the URL of the image that should be used as the banner creative.
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Note that url banners do not support the use of Flash???if you upload a Flash file as the banner creative, then you will be presented with two additional options. The first is the option. When selected, Revive Adserver will inspect the Flash file uploaded, and converts any hard-coded links found in the Flash file so that clicks on the Flash banner creative will be able to be tracked by Revive Adserver. The second additional option is the ability to upload a second creative file, which should be a static image creative, of the same dimensions as the Flash file. This allows Revive Adserver to serve the static image creative when the user being shown the banner creative does not have support for viewing Flash files. |
There are two Banner link fields for url banners:
- Destination URL: The URL that the user viewing the banner should be sent to when they click on the banner. Although this is not a required field, you do need to enter the destination URL if you want anything to happen when users click the banner if the banner creative is an image. (That is, if the banner creative is a Flash file, and it contains hard-coded links, this field will not be required to be filled in; otherwise, you will generally want to provide a URL for this field.)
- Target: An optional HTML link target. Valid options are _blank, _self, _parent and _top. By default, Revive Adserver will use _blank.